Owning a furry dog comes with a lot of ups and downs. Snuggling their fuzzy coat is surely enjoyable, and you probably have lots of adorable photos together. But when it comes to cleaning, that fuzz can really make things tough. Your carpet, especially, is likely to become laden with fur. Here are some tips to help you deal with fur, and general carpet cleaning, as someone who owns a furry dog.

Have your carpet professionally cleaned every year or so.

Vacuuming will go a long way toward keeping the amount of hair in your carpet under control. But some hair will likely get ground down into the carpet where a vacuum cannot reach it very well. Having your carpet professionally cleaned will help. The equipment carpet cleaners use has really high suction power, so it will extract a lot of that deeper, more ground-in hair when it pulls out the water and soap. Professional shampooing will also remove pet dander and odor, which is important since furry dogs also tend to leave behind a lot of dander.

Tell your carpet cleaner where your dog tends to lie.

Chances are, your dog has a few favorite places where they like to lay and spend most of their time. When your carpet cleaning professional arrives, point out these areas. The carpet cleaner can spend more time focusing on those areas to ensure they fully extract all the hair. They may also use some special deodorizers on those areas.

Keep your dog off the moist carpet.

Consider having a friend or relative babysit your dog for a day or two after you have your carpet cleaned. Or, arrange for them to go to a kennel or doggy daycare. When the carpet is damp, it will easily grab onto any hair that your dog loses. This hair may then be hard to remove from the carpet again. If you wait until the carpet is dry before letting your dog walk on it, they will still scatter hair, but that hair will stick less and will be easier to remove with a vacuum cleaner.

Furry dogs, like huskies and American Eskimo dogs, do leave behind a lot of hair on the carpet. But thankfully, carpet cleaning companies can do a good job of removing this hair and keeping your carpets cleaner. Adhere to the tips above, and talk to your local carpet cleaner for more info.

For more information, contact a company like EvoXtract.
